Integrating Slang Linter into the Vim ALE
This article outlines the process of incorporating slang linting tools into the Vim plugin ale.
The repository vim-galore is an excellent resource for Vim learners, focusing on fundamental Vim capabilities. However, to further augment Vim’s functionalities, plugins play a crucial role. Many aspects covered in vim-galore
can be enhanced by leveraging powerful plugin tools.
Several plugins support auto-completion, with my current preference being YouCompleteMe
For enhanced motion capabilities, consider using vim-easymotion
Consider bundling with vim-fzf
for improved changelist and jumplist navigation.
provides its own color schemes.
For session management, I find that tmux
could offer better functionality.
As an alternative to Cscope, universal-ctags
proves to be a superior option.
The issue of true colors is internally resolved by iTerm2
Highly Recommended
Other Recommendations
This article outlines the process of incorporating slang linting tools into the Vim plugin ale.
This article provides insights into considerations for SSD Controller Functional Verification.
This article outlines the process of adding UVM snippets to the vim-snippet GitHub repository.
Introduction to Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) Interface for Beginners.
Introduction to Solid-State Drive (SSD) for Beginners.
This article provides a review of UVM learning resources, complete example projects, and useful tools to expedite the learning process.
The repository vim-galore is an excellent resource for Vim learners, focusing on fundamental Vim capabilities. However, to further augment Vim’s functionalit...
This post guides you through setting up Verilog/SystemVerilog in Vim, covering ctags generation and linting. While vim-ale is often seen as an optimal soluti...
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